FAQs Complain Problems


प्राविधिक शाखा

Invitation for Electronic Bids for the Procurement of Supply and Delevery of Goods (Gabion Box)

Invitation for Electronic Bid for the Construction of Upgrading Works for Land Fill Site CSGM/NCB/WORKS-07/078-79

Invitation for Electronic Bid CSGM/NCB/WORKS-03-06/078-79

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना (CSGM/NCB/WORKS-23-24/077-78)

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना (CSGM/NCB/GOODS-18-22/077-78)

Invitation for Electronic Bid CSGM/NCB/WORKS-25/077-78 (Harlang Barlang Temple)

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना (CSGM/NCB/GOODS-02/077-78)
