FAQs Complain Problems


प्राविधिक शाखा

विधुतीय खरिद प्रणालीमा बोलपत्रको म्याद थप सम्बन्धि सूचना

Invitation for Electronic Bids for Dumre Simle Lift Water Supply Project (CSGM/NCB/WORKS-05) Re-Tender

Invitation for Bids for the Construction of Cold Store Building (Vertical Extension), CSGM-4 Contract Identification No: CSGM/NCB/WORKS-05/079-80

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना || (CSGM/NCB/WORKS-04/079-80)

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना || (CSGM/NCB/GOODS-08/079-80)

Invitation for Electronic Bids for Dumre Simle Lift Water Supply Project (CSGM/NCB/WORKS-05)

Invitation for Electronic Bids for the Bituminous Pavement of Nursary Falate Bhimtar (CSGM/NCB/WORKS-04)
